$ 0 0 Exchange Rate for 13 December, 2013 Exchange Rates Fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank Currency Unit Buying/Rs. Selling/Rs. Indian Rupee 100160 160.15Open Market Exchange Rates(For the purpose of Nepal Rastra Bank)CurrencyUnitBuying/Rs.Selling/Rs. U.S. dollar 198.6099.20 European euro 1135.80136.62 UK pound sterling 1161.67162.65 Swiss franc 1111.22111.90Australian dollar 189.2589.79 Canadian dollar 193.2693.82Singapore dollar 178.6179.08 Japanese yen 109.599.65 Chinese renminbi (Yuan) 116.2416.34 Saudi Arabian riyal1 26.29 26.45 Qatari riyal1 27.08 27.25 Thai baht1 3.07 3.09 UAE Dirham1 26.85 27.01 Malaysian ringgit1 30.52 30.71 South Korean Won 1009.389.44Only Buying ratesCurrencyUnitRates/Rs. Swedish Krone1 15.00 Danish Krone1 18.20 Hong Kong dollar1 12.72 Note: Under the present system the open market exchange rates quoted by different banks may differ.